05_Today, I discovered heaven: Module n.5

05_Today, I discovered heaven: Module n.5

Pray as Jesus taught us


A) For the assistants. Ideas from Chiara’s themes: “Abba, Father!”

  • Among the many talks in which Chiara speaks about God as Father and teaches us to speak with Him, we quote an excerpt from the talk, already mentioned in the previous module, given by Chiara to the focolarini in 1998: “[…] But in the Movement there is—here I say—a prayer that, with the infinite divine richness that it contains, is all contained in one word, in only one word, which Jesus pronounced and taught us, which the Holy Spirit puts in our lips. Jesus prayed, prayed to His Father; for him the Father—it is a new thing, no one had known this—was “Abba,” and therefore the Daddy, the Papà, to whom He addressed with tones of infinite confidence and boundless love—because He had confidence in his love, but He loved Him, too—He prayed to Him being in the bosom of the Trinity, where He is the second divine Person.  But since He had come to earth… I understood Jesus, I… --the other day, reading this theme to come to you—I understand Jesus, that He came down from Paradise, from those delights that are in Paradise—it is enough to listen to those few things that the Holy Spirit had suggested to us—He wanted to give us these things, too; I understood it, I would do the same, because it is spurred by Him.  But who is it who does not have… (applause) It is a desire, a supernatural desire, this making others participate too, that if I have a joy, that also the others may have it too. Don’t you think so, popi? You feel it, too. But since He had come to earth out of love for us, it was not enough for Him to be in this privileged situation of prayer—even in the bosom of the Father, He who loves the Father—dying for us, redeeming us, made us children of God like Him, His brothers, and gave also to us, through the Spirit, the possibility of being introduced into the bosom of the Trinity in Him, together with Him, through Him. So that through him, through Jesus-Eucharist, so that it would be possible for us, too, to call God, “Abba, Father!” Dad, my dad! It means our dad, with all that this means: total abandonment to his love… this is important! This year, which is the year of the Father, this abandoning ourselves to Him, being sure, throwing all worries to Him; this is important! Total abandonment… The certainty of his protection: I have a father; now it is useless, I have a father, I have a father; I have a father who makes me feel certain of his protection, I am sure.  Then he does not let me live like this! But he gives me divine consolations, strength, ardor that is born in the heart of whoever is certain of being loved. This is the typical Christian prayer, this prayer here: “Abba, Father!” Maybe I don’t notice that some Our Fathers in the rosary are a bit distracted in that moment; then I conclude: “Abba, Father!” and I feel that it summarizes the entire Our Father. […]”  [1]

B) Objectives of the Gen 4 Meeting

- To discover the beauty of the prayer that Jesus taught us, and like Him, helps us to know better who God is, His Father and our Father

C) Gen 4 Meeting Content: drops of light with the Sacred Scriptures

Sacred Scriptures:

- Episode of Jesus with the disciples: last part in which he teaches the Our Father (Attachment C1)

- Episode of the merciful Father (to discover together how the love of the Father is towards us, and therefore, how our love towards everyone should be:  “forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors”) (Attachment C2)


D) Ideas and other material for the conduct of the meeting (Attachment D)


[1] C. Lubich, Castel Gandolfo, December 24, 1998, to the focolarinos, “V° tema della spiritualità collettiva – III° aspetto: 'L'amore eleva'".


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