The culture of giving, of sharing [DRAWING]
There are so many things we can "give". Here are 16 examples of "giving". You will find in two formats - one with drawing and no words, and the other with the drawing and the phrase. These are all the examples Chiara Lubich gave to the Gen4 in 2004.
01) Lend a pencil.
02) Help your mom in the kitchen.
03) Listen! If you see that your friend is sad, if you have other things to do, you can stop and listen to him or her.
04) Teach a game to someone who doesn't know how to play.
05) Give a kind answer. If someone asks you for something, answer with love, with kindness.
06) Give a snack to those who don't have one.
07) Say “good morning” with love to your mother, or to your little brother or sister.
08) Give your forgiveness to those who hurt you.
09) Give a smile.
10) Give help to the poor.
11) Keep company with those who are alone, or sick. If your sister is sick and bored staying in bed, you can read her a fairy tale.
12) Give a gift, like to your mom on Mother's Day or to your friend on their birthday. 13) Give a hand to someone who's working.
14) Console someone who's crying.
15) Give joy to someone who's sad.
16) Give good news! When you get a good grade in school, go home and say: “Mom I got a good grade!”
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