who we are

Formation Project

The Focolare Movement’s formation programs for  children are part of a bigger program in which:


  • The entire spiritual patrimony of Chiara Lubich is gradually given to children in an age-appropriate manner, which aims to preserve a sense of wonder at every stage: “Jesus grew in wisdom and age and grace” (cf. Lk 2:52). Particular attention is given to each child’s transition through the different stages of formation, according to age groups, such as moving from being with the Gen 4 (4 to 9 years of age) to the Gen 3 (10-17 years of age), and subsequently to the various Gen 2 young adult groups (18 years and over).



  • A fundamental effort is made to approach each child with an attitude of total acceptance, carefully accompanying them and being open to ongoing dialogue, no matter their age. This signifies, for example, the use of age-appropriate materials and methods in presenting programs, and giving careful consideration to the various social situations in which children find themselves. Often, it is necessary to adapt the program to different geographic regions and cultures, and also to be sensitive to children who belong to various Christian churches or other religions.



  • Our proposal is to go beyond a simply theoretical presentation of the content, and focus on lived experiences. We would like the children to experience in concrete ways the values that are promoted in this program, which we hope will enrich their lives and form them as people who base their life on the message of the Gospel.